Did you know that in a recent survey conducted by Weddingsonline.ie a massive 77% of couples surveyed said that they would prefer cash as a wedding gift?
But here’s the tricky bit – how do you politely ask for cash gifts? A complete ‘no no’ in some people’s books but these days so many couples have already set up home and have everything they need. There are only so many picture frames, kettles and bed linen that you can use . So, here are some suggestions on how to approach this tricky situation!
- Ask a family member or friend for their help. If you feel you asking for cash on your invitations is breaching bridal etiquette, then just enlist someone close to you to quietly spread the word.
- If you decide to go all out and ask for cash on your invites, then make sure you word the request appropriately. A little bit of humour can help – these cash request poems cards may do the trick!

- Rather than just stating ‘please send cash gift’ – make sure you explain what you need the cash for. Perhaps state that as you have already set up home, you would greatly appreciate cash gifts to help pay for the honeymoon, or if you are saving for a deposit on your first home. People will appreciate your honesty.
- Have the option of a gift registry – not everyone will be comfortable giving cash so at least make sure you get something that you do need.
I hope these ideas help you to deal with this delicate subject. Hopefully your friends and family will appreciate that you need money more than you need a dinner service or a toaster! Personally I prefer to give friends and family money or something else they have specifically asked for as a wedding gift as it saves me from shopping for a gift they might hate and want to dispose of on eBay straight after the wedding! Remember it is acceptable to ask for money so long as you handle it with sensitivity and diplomacy.
Good luck!